13/14 Days of Love and Yoga
I was invited to participate in a partner yoga challenge for 14 days from Feb. 1-14.
My partner doesn’t practice yoga. But I still wanted to participate in the challenge.
Some of my male yoga students came up with the couch/beer partner pose idea.
I adjusted it slightly since The Husband is usually lounging in the La-Z-Boy with his beer.
I had to modify and make adjustments to the poses since I was working with a piece of furniture and not an actual person. It was fun and challenging.
I love that this challenge had me thinking of new ways to show and represent the poses and have some fun.
As a yoga teacher I am regularly challenged to modify or make adjustments in poses for students and myself.
No Day 13 photo as no challenge was posted. On Day 14 I came up with my own partner pose to complete the challenge.
To see all 13 pictures over the past two weeks, click here.