Relief with Aleve

I am a big advocate of Advil or its cheap generic ibuprofen. Great for headaches, cramps, etc.
Well, we have Aleve at work and I took one a bit ago for my knee. It is amazing how much better my knee feels.
I have been taking it easy on the knee. I did the boring stationary bike yesterday with a brace on each knee. My right knee is slightly sore since I have been relying on it more. But today it feels fine. So I am just taking it one day at a time.



I was excited to go to WW today for weigh-in. I was sure I had lost more weight. My pants are even looser this week than last. Curt even said “you look thinner than last week” over IM.
But alas I had lost no weight, but also I had not gained any. So maybe I gained muscle, maybe I was retaining water. Who knows! Even though I know it is a good sign that I didn’t gain any I was still bummed.
And next week I can’t go because I have a lunch to attend.