28.4 pounds

At WI in today I was down 4.4 pounds (which we knew the drop would be drastic from last week of having “gained” weight), for a total loss of 28.4 pounds!!!!!! I have 1.2 pounds to go to hit goal.
This weekend will be a challenge since we will be out of town and staying with friends. I will do my best–that is all I can do.

I have been getting a ton of compliments lately on my weight loss. Last week my boss told me I was getting skinny. His boss told me how great I look. Someone else told me I have been looking really cute (all those cute new little clothes). I have just been getting a ton of compliments. It makes me feel really good. Today my particular cute outfit has created many compliments. Someone even said people were talking, Hey, did you see Ann’s cute outfit!
Then there are the haters: I have been told “I hate you.” And I already went through the crap from yesterday. But it happened (not quite as extreme) today at cake and ice cream. (Goodbye for Alicia. We also had Hawaiian food for a goodbye to her at lunch–I brought my own food.) People had to make a point that I wasn’t having any cake and ice cream. To me it wasn’t worth the points. I don’t like cake that much and I am not a cookies and cream ice cream fan. If it was other ice cream I probably woulda eaten it.

Here is what I have to say to the haters:
The pain of passing up food is temporary. The rewards of weight loss are forever.