Who is Denise Austin?

cardiotennis.com                                America's favorite fitness expert, Denise Austin

photo by cardiotennis.com

So as some of you may have noticed under the title of my blog, Go Fit Girl!, the dek hed says I’m no Denise Austin.
Curt mentioned this blog to some of his female co-workers, who then graciously looked at the blog. (Thanks ladies! You probably made me another 15 cents with my ads!)
Anyway, the question afterward was who is Denise Austin? My first question was, how old are they? I just assumed anyone my age or older knows who she is.
Denise Austin is this annoyingly perky workout instructor who has a zillion workout DVDs and has a workout show on regular TV. (That may not be the case anymore. I haven’t checked.)
And after googling her I find out that she is America’s favorite fitness expert.
Go here to find pics and all kinds of stuff on her.