Who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?

I left work at about 3:30 today. It was a bad day to have to leave early. But I had an eye appointment.
I was already feeling pretty tired before I left work. Once I have my eyes dilated I can’t do much but watch TV while wearing sunglasses or take a nap. I did both.
Once I finally came around to “making” dinner I wasn’t really in the mood to actually make anything. So it was Raisin Bran for dinner tonight. It was good, filling and not too unhealthy.
Of course, eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns would have been a much yummier breakfast dinner. But like I said, I was in no mood for cooking anything.
That’s one of the benefits of being an adult. If I want I can have cereal or popcorn or even just a glass of wine for dinner.