Go Fit Girl! readers are winners (and awesome)

495 Words

2012-12-10 12:18 +0000

Eight of Go Fit Girl!’s readers won one of these goodie bags. Thanks to everyone who participated in last week’s Comment Contest Tuesday.

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s Comment Contest Tuesday.
I asked my readers to tell me why they read or like Go Fit Girl! If they were a first-time reader, I asked them to feel free to mention what they would like to learn or what they hope to get out of reading this blog.
I was overwhelmed at what my readers/friends had to say. I am humbled by the many kind and genuine comments.
And the main theme seemed to be that I am real and realistic. That truly means a lot to me. I am just a regular person trying to survive life and all of its challenges and I share that along with my research with my readers.
The first three readers who commented were guaranteed to win a bag. Those winners are: Alicia, Monica and Jen.
The next five bags went to the next five commenters: Jen, Nicole, Jeremy, Gail and Nicole. (Yup, I got two friends and readers named Jen and Nicole.)
There were eight bags total. So no drawing was required and everyone who commented won a bag.
Some of the amazing things my readers had to say were:

  • It shows you are a real person with a job and other responsibilities who is trying to just do it all or as much as you can.
  • I always feel that you are REAL and that like us you try your best to make it all work (family, work, free time, and exercise).
  • I read because it’s motivational to hear about an “authentic” person who has to deal with fitness in the real world!
  • I like to support friends who blog.
  • I like GFG for the challenges: they’re challenging (go figure), elegantly simple, and impactful.
  • It’s so easy to get discouraged or distracted in our journey to a more healthful life. That makes it even more comforting and reassuring to read that someone who’s had as much success as Go Fit Girl might also get distracted or discouraged — but always finds a way to bounce back!
  • It’s relatable and everyone can take away a tip or two to incorporate into his/her life.
  • The thing I like most about Go Fit Girl, though, and what ultimately keeps me coming back to read, is the well-rounded, balanced approach that seems to me to be the most important part of a healthy lifestyle.

These are just some of the things my readers had to say. I would repost everything because they are all so awesome. And I am really flattered by the things people had to say about me and the blog. But if you want to read all of the amazing comments, go here. Feel free to comment as well.
And if you want to try to win a Comment Contest Tuesday, come back tomorrow.