New things in the new year

My huge pot of Fresh Vegetable Soup cooking Sunday morning.

My huge pot of Fresh Vegetable Soup cooking Sunday morning.

The nutrition and exercise challenges for Go Fit Girl!’s January Monthly Challenge are about trying something new. (Facebook event page here.)
In the past week I have tried a few things in yoga I wasn’t willing to dare before.
I have been trying out the Shake Weight. Yup, go ahead and laugh. I was able to snatch it from a co-worker who got it during our White Elephant work lunch. And I am trying it out for a future review for Go Fit Girl!’s Review Wednesday.
Sunday morning is my regular grocery store weekly shopping. On Sunday I bought ingredients for Weight Watchers Fresh Vegetable Soup. Everything that went into the recipe I have eaten before. Last year I did a green smoothie cleanse and tried many vegetables (especially green leafy ones), which I had never tried before.
After I picked up the produce I needed I wandered around looking for a new item to cook. I looked at endives, which looked like a weird yellowish cabbage or lettuce. Eh, maybe not.
Then I decided to go look at the squash. I grabbed an acorn squash. I think I have probably eaten acorn squash, but maybe not. But I definitely have never cooked it before. So I will be looking for a recipe later this week to try it out.
When I got home from the grocery Sunday morning I had time to chop and cook the Fresh Vegetable Soup before yoga. It made a huge pot.
My first bowl of it was for a late lunch Sunday afternoon. Because I am so into protein I decided to add some tofu to my serving bowl of soup. The next time I make the soup I may add a meat protein.
Later in the week I plan to take all the extra ingredients for the soup and make a stir fry with brown rice. So that is kinda new as well. I do eat stir fry and I have a frozen one I buy from Safeway. But I have never made one completely on my own.
What new things have you tried?