Review Wednesday: Reusable Washable Nylon Produce bags

grocery bags

My fruits and veggies sitting in Reusable Washable Produce bags.

In honor of Earth Day next week (Monday, April 22) I wanted to review Reusable Washable Nylon Produce bags.
Friend and GFG! reader, Nicole, sent me some as a gift, which is totally awesome.
If anyone ever wants to send me cool items whether as a gift or to review or both I will gladly accept. Remember the onion goggles given to me by friend and GFG! reader Monica?
And come back next Tuesday for a Comment Contest Tuesday and a chance to win your own set of Washable Produce Bags.
The bags are light and can easily be thrown in my reusable grocery bags.
The bags are see through and you can wash your fruits and veggies while they are still in the bag, which works out great.
The bags themselves are easy to clean with a little soap and water and they dry quickly.
One of my bags in the batch my friend sent didn’t have a whole cut for the drawstring. But that’s the only negative I have found. After I realized I couldn’t cinch one of my bags I came home and cut a little slit in the bag and now I can draw the string.
I haven’t had these bags for very long so I can’t for certain make statements on durability. But they nylon mesh appears sturdy and should last a long time.
I liked the bags so much that I bought three packages. One of which can be won in next week’s Comment Contest Tuesday.
I love this women’s vision and why she decided to do this.
Cindi Valverde, the woman behind these amazing bags, got the idea while sitting at her sewing machine. She decided to use leftover nylon mesh material to create a bag you could see through, which also dried off quickly and breathed easily and was good for washing and storing produce. Once others saw these bags they wanted to know where they could get them. And her business was born. Read this and more on the About page.
What an easy and resourceful way to reduce the use of plastic bags, use material she already had and make money while does this. Talk about innovation.
Go Fit Girl! gives these bags 4 12 dumbbells.


The Reusable Washable Produce bags get 4 1/2 dumbbells.