Happy Auntie's Day


Yo! I’m a Savvy Auntie!

I consider myself a Savvy Auntie, which Melanie Notkin created as the first community for cool aunts, great aunts, godmothers and all women who love kids.
Today is the fifth annual Auntie’s Day.
As you know, Curt and I are child free. We love the children in our lives. And we also love to be able to help less fortunate kids by donating to the food bank, Brighter Beginnings, Pajama Program, among others.
I am an auntie by marriage and an auntie by choice (ABC), which means there  so many kids I have chosen to be an aunt to. The first kids (twins) are just about to turn 18.
My sister-in-law and niece were in town recently and I had a girls’ dinner with them. It was a fun time. At some point the conversation came to my aunthood. Susan praised me for being a good aunt. I really appreciated the compliment. I am still reflecting on that conversation.
I woke up to a text today from my youngest nephew asking me if I wanted to FaceTime on Tuesday. Made my day!
Here’s a fun list of why Savvy Aunties deserve their own day.
According to the website, SavvyAuntie.com enables and empowers aunts to exchange ideas, get advice, find gifts and connect with other Savvy Aunties.  The first to offer forums, groups, blogs, an auntiepedia and other social tools designed uniquely for aunties, SavvyAuntie.com gives aunts a unique and modern approach to learn, connect, share and celebrate aunt-hood.
In case you want to send savvy, awesome, cool Aunt Ann something, here are some ideas. I also wouldn’t mind having a copy of the Savvy Auntie book.
I love being an aunt. I feel like I was born to be an aunt.
Happy Auntie’s Day to all the Savvy Aunties out there!