A yoga breakthrough


Less than 24 hours after learning about “corner” Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand) I am able to invert completely. Corners are hard to come by when you live in the Bay Area. Hope Curt doesn’t come home when I am inverting.

Last night in yoga teacher training class Richard taught us about inversions and teaching beginners inversions.
At one point we practiced Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand) against the wall. (Which is not a beginner pose.)
I prepared myself to go into the pose. But I didn’t invert like most of the class did.
I have been practicing yoga for about six years and have never felt comfortable completely inverting. Frankly, I am scared. Sacred that I am gonna hurt myself, scared that I am gonna topple over, scared that my bum shoulder is gonna give out, scared that I am gonna break my neck.
As we were discussing the pose I told Richard that I did not go up because I am scared. He asked me what I am scared of. I told him pretty much everything in the paragraph above. He asked me if I would be willing to try something and he wouldn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to.
He asked me to go to the corner. I used the corner to support my hands and shoulders. And I almost got up. My fellow students cheered for me. Many told me how close I was. They were proud of me for facing my fear. And at least four others came up to me and thanked me for asking because they are also afraid.
I faced my fear. And I accomplished something more than I ever imagined.
I tried it again today (multiple times) at home and … I completely inverted. (See proof in the picture.)
The feeling is amazing. I am so excited. I feel addicted and obsessed with headstand now.
According to Yoga Journal website, there are so many benefits to headstand: calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression; stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands; strengthens the arms, legs, and spine; strengthens the lungs; tones the abdominal organs; improves digestion; helps relieve the symptoms of menopause; therapeutic for asthma, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis.
Once I feel comfortable with corner headstand I can move to a basic flat wall and eventually with no wall support like this.
Yoga makes you discover and grow. I feel at such a different place with my yoga practice after completely inverting. I am growing and discovering my growth along the way while breaking through my fear.