I Rock!

So for the month of March I worked out (with Maya in Yourself!Fitness) or walked 27 times this month!

I dedicated to workout 4 times a week and walk at least twice a week for the whole month of
March and I did it.
There were days I really didn’t want to workout. But I remembered my commitment. With the Yourself!Fitness if I don’t feel like doing a more cardio-induced workout I go to the meditation garden and do a 15- to 20-minute yoga workout with Maya.
And the “Walking Club” at Onyx has proved to be a motivator. There are two of us who walk regulary (twice a week) and we get others once in awhile. But we have had a third join us and stay dedicated.
We were gonna do a bonus walk today, but it was raining. Booo!

Oh, and I have shed some pounds. Woo-hoo! Go me!!!!