Specially Challenged Monkey

That is what I felt like during my kickboxing class last night. But I made it. I looked and felt stupid. But it was an amazing workout. The first 3 minutes we had to jump rope. I thought I was going to die. And I wondered how I would get through the whole freakin’ hour. But I did.
We did this punching combo: punch, cross punch, some other punch that I can’t remember the name, uppercut. Then she wanted us to double it. Yah right! I am not that coordinated. So I just punched.
She also had the mitts and would come around and have us hit them. Dork alert for me! And she also had something for us to kick at. Anyway, it was tough and I am sore. But it was an awesome workout–and I will be going back.

This morning I attended the 7:15 yoga class. A little early for me. But it felt good. And now I have already worked out for the day. Woo-hoo!