Facing food challenges

In the food department I was eating rather healthy until … yesterday.
I had a training in the city. They provided us breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner. For some reason I just couldn’t not eat the cookies. Of course, I ate more than I should. At lunch there were these amazing potatoes. Most people were raving about them, me included.
We had a cocktail hour and the drinks were flowing. Dinner was delicious and fairly healthy. I wasn’t planning on having dessert and all of sudden there was dessert sitting in front of me.
Today more yummy breakfast and cookies at break time. Lunch we were on our own. I had a side salad and a slice of cheese pizza.
Then tonight after yoga I am meeting some girlfriends for dinner at a Thai restaurant.
Then Sunday is the Super Bowl and we are hanging out at our friends’ place. I am assuming there will be few healthy items available.
Then … yup, there’s more …
Our friend Karen comes into town and we will hang out one night next week. My cousin and his wife come to visit next week for a long weekend … and I know there will be some restaurant visiting.
Whew! I am trying so hard to be good foodwise. It is SO HARD! Maybe after all of that I will have to do a food detox.