And the newest Go Fit Girl! is …

… Regina.

Thank you to Lisa, Regina and Alicia for your comments.

As I had stated before I got the last Comment Contest Tuesday post idea from a friend on Facebook. She received many more comments when she posed the question: What do you eat when you’re feeling very snacky but don’t need (or want) to consume a bunch of calories/fat?

And I am gonna share some of the answers she received:

  • Popcorn.

  • Yogurt. Cheese stick. Pretzels and low-fat cream cheese. Turkey pepperoni and mini saltines. Dry cereal. Animal crackers. Avocado.

  • Pistachios.

  • Cucumbers in rice vinegar (or other vinegar with a touch of sugar). Sometimes I will consume an entire cucumber this way.

  • Carrot sticks.

  • Baby carrots, jelly beans, grapefruit.

  • Pirate’s Booty, whole cucumber sprinkled with salt, baby carrots, sugar snap peas.

  • Edamame.

  • Hard sourdough pretzels.

  • Almonds.

  • Try virtual snacking: Imagine for one moment that you are eating the snack that you crave the most. mmmmmmm … tastes good … crunch, crunch … delicious! Next thing you know, craving=satisfied.

  • Edamame.

  • 100 calorie packs of popcorn, apple with or without peanut butter or dark chocolate.

  • Laughing Cow cheese triangles, good on celery.