2 daiquiris, 3 beers and a Bloody Mary

And that was just today.
I spent the past three days in Tucson. When I arrived Friday night there was an eegee’s slushie drink waiting for me in the car. I can’t think of a better way to arrive in Tucson. Well, having my mom meet me at baggage claim was pretty awesome, too.
When I got to my mom’s she asked if I was hungry. So she heated me up a few green corn tamales in the microwave. Oh, so yummy and so bad for you and me.
The following morning my aunt, uncle and cousins came over for breakfast. We had chorizo, menudo and Mexican pastries. All delicious and all NOT healthy. After that a visit to Grandma’s and a beer. Then back to Mom and Fred’s for some lounging and wine and cheese and bread. Then to my friend Shelly’s for a barbecue. Then to dinner with my mom, stepdad, brother, his girlfriend, along with a glass of wine and some pizza.
Sunday morning eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast. Then I headed to my grandpa’s for a visit and a beer. After that another visit to my grandma’s, where I was also able to visit with another uncle, and have two more beers. Then back to my mom’s for lounging, Lifetime, guacamole, salsa and chips and, of course, some wine. I had dinner with my dad at Bison Witches. I had the beef and brie sandwich and a Red Stripe beer.
After dinner I had to get another strawberry eegee. When I got back to mom’s I added some vodka to the slushie to make it more of an adult beverage.
Monday morning a little chorizo burrito and pastry. Then a nice lunch at the Arizona Inn. We started off with some nachos. I had a Southwestern corn bread grilled cheese and two daiquiris. When I got to the airport I had a beer at the bar. The bartender accidentally made a Bloody Mary instead of a Margarita. She asked me if I wanted it. Otherwise she was going to have to throw it away. Heck, no way!!!! Throwing away a perfectly good alcoholic beverage–sacrilege!
Southwest now serves Corona. Yea! So my coupons got me a couple of free beers. Oh, yeeeaa!
So to sum up the weekend: there was a lot of eating and a lot of drinking. Oh, and no exercise was practiced.