Getting back to that healthy living

I have known for some time that I needed to lose some weight. I could feel the pounds returning even though I refused to verify it by stepping on the scale. There are a few pairs of pants that are very difficult to get up over my butt and hips. I am starting to feel yuck. So today I got on the scale to see what the damage was … 9 pounds. I am 9 pounds over my goal weight. That’s sort of a lot.
I decided that something must be done about it and it must happen now. If I continue to let it go eventually 9 pounds will be 15, then 20 and eventually I will be back at where I started about four years ago when I first started losing weight.
OK, here are my little rants …
When I was losing weight people told me I had lost enough weight and didn’t need to lose anymore. Between my doctor and my Weight Watchers leader we had decided what was a safe weight for me to achieve and I did. Why do people think it is OK to comment on your weight when you are thin, skinny, losing weight, etc.? But I can’t tell someone they are a fat pig and should stop stuffing their face? Because that is rude, right? …
People tell me it is OK to eat or drink whatever I want because I am on vacation, out of town, visiting Grandma, been so good lately, etc. No offense. But I don’t need anyone else helping me out in that department. I do just fine on my own.
People making comments about what I am eating, what I am not eating, what I am ordering, etc. Let’s make a deal … I won’t comment about what you put in your mouth if you don’t comment on what I put in mine.
Food pushers …
If you want to support me in my healthy lifestyle (and quest to get back to my goal weight) I welcome it. If you don’t, then don’t, but keep that to yourself. Thanks …