Comment Contest Tuesday

Our Halloween bucket of candy is ready to go for our trick-or-treaters on Monday.

Wow, another Comment Contest Tuesday …
This one couldn’t wait until next week. It would be too late.
With Halloween approaching many of us are buying candy for trick-or-treaters and possibly Pumpkin beer for ourselves. I know I am.
I try to buy the hot candy items kids like, which luckily tends to be stuff I am not a huge fan of. How lucky is that?
Though I do love Sour Patch Kids, which have made it to my Halloween bucket. Apparently kids love Swedish Fish and they were in the bag together.
So what are you buying? Do you have a strategy? Are you buying any of your favorites? Are you purposely not buying your favorites? What are your favorites? What don’t you like?
My absolute favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with Sour Patch Kids in a close second. Oh and the new peanut butter Snickers totally ROCK! I don’t like candy corn or black licorice. Bleh! (Or Three Musketeers or Milky Way or … I am sure there are more I could list.)
Just a little plug here. Please also think about having non-candy items for some of your trick-or-treaters this year. Curt and I will be hanging this sign on our house and have stuff for kids who can’t have candy. Check out more information on The Trick-or-Treat Project.
OK, here are all the rules for this week’s Comment Contest Tuesday. You can comment as much as you want. Each comment in its own post will get your name thrown into the random drawing twice.
To participate in Comment Contest Tuesday you must submit your answers in the comments below. The comment has to be relevant to what I am asking. Comments via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. don’t count.
You have until Monday, Oct. 31 at noon my time to comment as many times as you would like.