November Monthly Challenge is about fruits, veggies & butts

Go Fit Girl!’s November Monthly Challenge includes a third challenge: a challenge of the heart. This about donating to a food bank or soup kitchen or some other worthy cause.

Ready for Go Fit Girl!’s November Monthly Challenge?
In October we focused our nutrition challenge on Minus 1: decreasing just one cup of coffee or soda or Diet Coke or beer or glass of wine. I have to say that challenge proved to be quite challenging for me: some traveling; birthday celebrations, anniversary celebration, A’s going to the playoffs and the fact that I feed my feelings with food and booze.
I was a little better with the exercise challenge: 1,000 ab exercises a week. I didn’t complete the 1,000 every week. But most weeks I got some ab work in.
OK, on to November challenges:
Nutrition: Gotta get yer 5 (or 35). We all know how important our fruits and veggies are. But do we get enough in every week or even every day? So your challenge this month is to try to get 5 fruits and veggies in every day/35 a week.
Find new and yummy ways to get your veggies in. Seasonings make everything taste better.
I learned over the summer that I have to be careful with certain fruits. Everything in moderation.
Exercise: The Booty! We are going to focus on the glutes this month. Let’s try for 1,000 butt exercises a week.
Some great glute exercises are squats, kick squats, lunges, leg lifts, dirty dog, plie squats.
This video has some great butt exercises. If you follow this, do 20 reps per booty exercise.
WebMD has some great exercises in this article.
Some more suggestions by Fitness.
And since we are coming to the end of the year and that means time for holiday stress and fun and giving and receiving … I thought I would launch a challenge of the heart for November and December.
Heart: Take some time this month to think about others. Because Thanksgiving is coming up I suggest either volunteering your time or making a monetary donation to a soup kitchen or a food bank.
Donate goods or money to a food drive. Run a food drive. (I am running my company food drive.) But if there is another cause or organization you want to support you should do it.
Feel free to comment below on how the challenge is going for you this month. You can also comment on the Go Fit Girl!’s November Monthly Challenge event page.