Filling your heart while helping others

The back of the shirt I recently purchased to help fundraise efforts for Off the Mat.

If you have been reading Go Fit Girl! for a long time or even for a month or two you probably have read something about my love for supporting and giving to charities and others.
In honor of Go Fit Girl!’s Challenge of the Heart for November I am going to talk about the benefit classes at my yoga studio being held Thanksgiving morning.
I try to focus energy on giving to others who are so much less fortunate than I am. I have worked hard for everything I have. But I never forget about my own struggles and the daily struggles of others.

And the front of my shirt: Stop Slavery Now

One of the many things I love about Namaste, the yoga studio where I practice, is that they also focus on charity. If you have to rent a yoga mat for class that $1 goes to various local charities.
When a class (or workshop) is held on a major holiday, like Thanksgiving or New Year’s it is a benefit class. Most of the time the proceeds of the classes go to Alameda County Food Bank.
The proceeds from Ashley’s Thanksgiving class at Namaste Rockridge will go to the food bank.
Vickie’s Thanksgiving class proceeds at Namaste Grand Lake will go toward Off the Mat and Into the World, which according to the website uses the power of yoga to inspire conscious, sustainable activism and to ignite grass roots social change. This year the focus is on the rescue and rehabilitation, as well as empowerment of survivors of sex trafficking in India.
A fellow Namaste yogi is raising money for the Seva Challenge 2012. I recently made a donation to her fundraising efforts and got some awesome shirts, too.
You can donate directly to Srutih Asher Colbert by going to the link here. Type her name into the participant list. Her goal is to raise $20,000. She is close to her goal. Let’s help her out!
The collective goal of the organization for all Seva challenge participants is to raise $1,000,000 in 2012.
Whatever cause you want to support, whether with money or time or both you should do it. It is such a wonderful thing to help others. But what you get out of it is so much more amazing.