Review Wednesday: Camelbak water bottle

The Camelbak water bottle gets 4 1/2 dumbbells.

I have been using various Camelbak water bottles for years.
I like to call mine an adult sippy cup. The water bottle with the built-in straw for some reason makes me drink more water. I have a 16 ounce/500 mL bottle, which worked just great for me.
A few months back I decided to get a 24 ounce/750 mL bottle. And I have to say with that thing I drink even more water than I did before.
I monitor how much water I drink (well, to a point). My goal is to get in at least eight servings a day. After that I usually stop counting.
Most days without fail I hit that goal and beyond. But there are still days where I struggle. But that’s me not the water bottle.

My 750 mL (24 ounces) Camelbak water bottle along with an inexpensive baby bottle cleaner.

The only negative with the bottle is that it is a pain to clean. You can buy the official Camelbak bottle cleaner at Go Fit Girl!’s Amazon store.
At first I just used a cotton swab to clean the inside of the nipple and used a regular bottle cleaner for the inside of the bottle. Then one of my co-workers told me she bought a baby bottle cleaner for hers. I tried it and was amazed at how easy it was to clean. So I got my own baby bottle cleaner and use that to clean my Camelbak. It’s still a little bit of a chore. But much easier.
Whatever size you are thinking … it would make a great stocking stuffer.
So really, the only negative is that it is a chore to clean.
The fact that I drink so much water is all that really matters. And I take that thing almost every where I go.
I give the Camelbak water bottle 4 12 dumbbells.
Check back next week for the third and last Review Wednesday of December. (First Review Wednesday for December was The Tye. Click here to read that review.)