Leadership Development for Women


My materials from the training last week. 

On Thursday and Friday I went to a training in the city: Leadership Development for Women.
I believe furthing ourselves with education is important. And lucky for me my company (and old boss) feels the same way.
The group of women who attended this training were truly remarkable and amazing people and women. Everyone was strong, smart and determined.
I learned a lot about myself and some of my co-workers. I learned to empower myself (more than I even have recently) and I have figured out to push myself with a friendly competitor.
A description from the course page: This hands-on course shows you how to strategically use your strengths and abilities—your competitive edge—while mastering your emotions in even the most unwelcoming atmosphere.
I am not intentionally giving a plug to the American Management Association. But they do have some good and relevant trainings for just about anyone. I have attended other leadership/management and benefited from them.
But there was something more about this training. It was empowering.
I believe the women attending made the training even more remarkable. Our instructor, Kathryn, was a great asset to the class. We were able to use real life examples and help each other solve or at least give suggestions on how to better address a situation.
I am ready to try out some of the things I learned to make work more pleasant and successful for myself and my co-workers.