Supporting kids, parents and families


For Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Curt and I donated to Brighter Beginnings, which provides essential career and parenting services for fathers and mothers and families with limited resources. Pictured above are cards we send out to wish a happy day and let recipients know of the donation.

We had a third challenge this month for Go Fit Girl’s June Monthly Challenge.
A challenge of the heart with a donation, preferably focused on children. But any sort of charity giving (whether monetary, time or material [clothes, books, etc.] donations) is awesome.
Brighter Beginnings is a local charity Curt and I like to support. We normally make monetary donations to them for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and usually around Christmastime.
The website states: Supporting healthy births and successful development of children by partnering with parents and helping to build strong communities. Brighter Beginnings tagline is Every Family Matters.
I love supporting Brighter Beginnings. It’s a great organization. And we are helping so many children grow and develop (along with a few other charities we support).
(I probably shouldn’t even say this, but well, I am going to. I have had people call me selfish for choosing to not have children. Hmmm, it’s selfish to know you don’t want kids and not have them while being able to support so many other kids. Selfish?)
Every time I make a donation to BB  they  call me to thank me for my donation after it is made. And they are just calling to say thank you, nothing else is asked of me.
Though I did recently get a coffee/lunch invite, which I will accept. I wish I had time to work with BB. But right now I just don’t. So monetary donations will have to do for now.
As Curt and I have gotten more comfortable financially we are really starting to make a difference, and wow, it feels really good. But sometimes that isn’t an option. And I get that, believe me, I do. There are so many ways to help others and those less fortunate than we are.
We all have so much to give. And together we can make this world a better place.