Furthering my yoga growth


Like Baby, I don’t belong in the corner. I am out of the corner and against the wall with Headstand.

One of the greatest things about practicing yoga is that it is always a practice and you continually grow and change.
I talked about my yoga breakthrough last week.
Me getting up into “corner” Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand) was a huge step for me in my practice both physically,  mentally and emotionally.
I questioned how I could be a yoga teacher when I couldn’t go into a full Headstand or Handstand.
Yea, that was my own insecurities with my practice.
After inverting in the corner about 15 times I decided to ditch the corner.
On Sunday I went for supported Headstand against a flat wall.
And, all be damn, I did it.
I can’t express the feeling I have when I completely invert. It is still so new. But it is exciting. And talk about working many body parts. My triceps have been sore. But I still want to keep trying to get up. It feels like a huge accomplishment for me.
I still have work to do to improve my Headstand, especially before I attempt it with no wall support.
I have been working with another teacher get into Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand). That one definitely scares me more than Headstand. But Aviva is doing an awesome job to work with me to get there.
Her approach is to start in the L Pose. And step by step work into the pose, like the link below shows.
Sensational Yoga Poses has a great article, tutorial and pictures to show the process of starting in L pose and then inverting step by step.
The main difference between Aviva’s approach and the Sensational Yoga approach is that Aviva doesn’t have me kick my legs into the pose. She instructs us to just lift one leg at a time. So far I can get one leg up.