Thankful for yoga

Day of Thanks

Day of Thanks pamphlet.

Today is Thanksgiving. Many of us take today to reflect on what we are thankful for. I try to reflect on what I am grateful for on a regular basis.
I also try to remember that today can be very hard for some for a variety of circumstances and reasons. If that is the case for you, I hope that you can find some peace.
I feel very lucky and grateful for the life I do have.
There are so many things I am thankful for.
Such as: my health; my husband; my family; my friends; my job (there was a chance I could have been laid off this year); my amazing co-workers/friends; the supportive people in my life; my amazing readers/friends/supporters of Go Fit Girl! …
The list goes on and on.
But what I really want to reflect on today is yoga, my practice, my teachers, my teacher training, the discovery I am continually making and my growth in my practice.
Yoga is such a big part of my life. It touches so many aspects of each day in my life.
Here are some things on my what I am grateful for when it comes to my yoga list:

  • My recent growth with  Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand).
  • That yoga helps me in all aspects of my life.
  • That I have really learned how to breathe.
  • All of my awesome teachers: Vickie, Hannah, Baxter, Kameko, Aviva and Megan.
  • My new yoga girlfriends.
  • That I have been in my yoga teacher training for about three months.
  • That I have seven months left of my teacher training.
  • Friends and family who are willing to let me practice “teaching” yoga.
  • My yoga teacher training instructors.
  • Vinyasa yoga.
  • Yoga pants.
  • I can share yoga with family and friends.
  • That my yoga studio offers a Day of Thanks workshop where the proceeds go to the Alameda County Food Bank.
  • That I can afford a membership at the yoga studio.
  • My home practice.
  • A Restorative practice.
  • My yoga mat.
  • My fellow students in yoga teacher training.
  • A yoga studio that is willing to hold holiday workshops and donate the proceeds to the food bank.
  • Yoga props.
  • Practicing yoga “off the mat.”
  • Hatha Yoga.
  • Savasana

Whatever you are thankful for, remember that in the good times and bad. Life is tough. But there is always something to be thankful for.
I feel so lucky in my life. And I know there are so many people who are so much less fortunate than I am.