Here's to another year of reinvention


A third letter has been added to the envelope, which I will read along with the two others on May 8, 2017 or later.

At the end of my yoga teacher training in May 2014 we did an exercise in class where we pretended like we were all getting together a year later for a reunion.
We talked about what we did. The idea was if we said it as if it did actually happen it would make it more real. We were advised to write a letter to ourselves to read in a year, which I did.
I wrote to myself on May 9, 2014 with instructions on the envelope that I could open the letter on May 8, 2015 or later. I opened that letter May 8, 2015.
I read the letter a year ago (and wrote about it here) and wrote myself a second letter to be read on May 8, 2016 or later.
I opened that letter last night and am posting today (May 9, 2016).
I stated intentions in my second letter (with some edits) to the following:
Dear Ann–now a yoga teacher with almost two years of teaching. DONE

  • I went from four regular yoga classes a week and am now teaching six to eight. DONE (I teach eight public classes and two office yoga classes a week.)
  • I continue to teach my five cycling classes a week. DONE (Still teaching five. But that’s my max.)
  • I have some regular private yoga (and cycle) clients. DONE
  • I’ve been working the front desk at a yoga studio for almost a year now. I did this for a few months and help on occasion. But it’s not a regular thing anymore, which is best for me. Teaching takes up time and energy. 
  • I developed a Karma Yoga (working with underserved community) relationship and program. I still haven’t done this yet. I realize I need to be more established and financially stable before I can fully commit. 
  • GFG! blog is still going strong. DONE
  • I taught a weekend yoga workshop called Yoga Basics in Albany, Mo. (Curt’s hometown) in November 2015. DONE
  • Besides my regular six to eight yoga classes a week I am regularly subbing. I rarely sub these days. I didn’t know at the time when I wrote this intention that teaching 10 or so classes a week was more than enough. I am tired and can’t take on more at this time. 
  • We haven’t gotten our dog yet. But we will have a fur baby soon. No fur baby yet. We are waiting until we have a yard. 

I stated intentions in my “reunion” class and in my first letter (with some edits) to the following:
Dear Ann–now a yoga teacher. DONE

  • I quit my job. DONE
  • I taught my first yoga class at Mindful Yoga Studio in Tucson (my hometown) on Sunday, June 29, 2014 as a donation class. DONE
  • I started subbing yoga classes at the gym. DONE (And extra DONE with taking over three classes a week for three months while the regular yoga teacher was on maternity leave.)
  • I started teaching my own classes a few times a week. DONE (I’m teaching four regular yoga classes a week with lots of subbing. And two new regular classes starting next month. I am also teaching five regular cycling classes.)
  • I work the front desk at a yoga studio once a week to learn the business (and make a little money). Will be DONE starting June or July. I’ve already been hired (date to start to be determined) at a yoga studio once a week working the front desk along with two regular yoga classes.
  • I teach numerous 1:1s (private sessions). Working on this.
  • I started working with an organization (name withheld) on a yoga program for their clients. We moved and I wasn’t able to start the program I wanted. But I’m looking into where my Karma Yoga will take me here in Portland. 
  • I taught a weekend yoga workshop in Albany, Mo. (Curt’s hometown) to a community who has very little access to yoga. Hasn’t happened yet. But I would love to do this sometime. 
  • Really got to focus more energy, time and commitment to GFG! DONE
  • We got a dog. We’re talking about getting a dog now that we have moved and my schedule is fairly flexible. I am just not sure I am ready for the commitment to walking a dog regularly just quite yet. 

So many of the items listed in both letters have happened. I really did live my dream and made it happen.
There are pros and cons to my life right now. But so many more pros than I ever could have imagined. I am happy. And found my true calling. I do truly love teaching.
And I wrote myself a new letter today and will read it in a year and see what has become, changed and grown.