Health & Wellness

Yesterday Onyx hosted a Health & Wellness Expo. I was a volunteer. I made a board giving info on WW and printed out information for people to read and take.

I also greeted vendors in the lobby and had them escorted to the third floor. We had a really good variety of vendors come in, including: YMCA; Delta Dental; Maverick’s Gym (the gym I work out at); REI; Emeryville firefighter to check blood pressure–mine was pretty good; Breathe California to check lung capacity–I was at 88%–very good; free chair massages; MHN, TLC, Blue Cross, etc.
We had a healthy and really yummy lunch catered by Whole Foods. I attended a couple of really good breakout sessions. At the end of the expo there was a raffle. Unfortunately I didn’t win anything. But there were some pretty cool prizes.