One-on-one yoga
I almost didn’t go to yoga this morning. But I thought I need to go. Get up! So I did.
(Oh, and last night I finally–after months and months–went back to kickboxing. Man, it was tough. A co-worker, Kim, joined me, which made it a little easier.)
There is this yoga sub at my gym for some reason I am not a fan of. I have started reminding myself to not let his style bother me and to just appreciate the practice.
I knew he was subbing today. I went into class and I was the only one. It ended up being great.
We focused on strengthening my core and stretching out my back. He asked me what I wanted to work on and we pretty much focused on my needs. Normally you would have to pay top dollar for a private yoga class.
Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend!