Eating Right … Safeway style

If you shop at Safeway I am sure you have seen their Eating Right line.
For some time now I have been buying the Shrimp Stir Fry. It is so easy and healthy. Spray a pan with a little Pam and throw in the stir fry. I also have it with brown rice. It comes with some sort of sauce, which I don’t use. I use garlic powder and Kick’n Chicken. Curt likes the stir fry, too. I use the Kick’n Chicken on all kinds of stuff. Sprinkle some on pasta with a little olive oil and garlic. Yummy!
The other day while at the grocery I was grabbing a bag of the stir fry I noticed a Chicken Fajita Stir Fry. I decided to buy it. Curt and I had it for dinner last night. It was really yummy. (I even have a little leftovers for lunch today.) It comes with a powder to add a little kick. I always need a little more kick and smothered my stir fry with Rooster Sauce. We eat our fajita stir fry with corn tortillas.
Good stuff!
When I looked up Eating Right I noticed they have a huge line of food. They seem pretty reasonable in the calorie and fat categories. Check it out!