Getting back on track

While in Europe I pretty much ate and drank whatever I wanted. I do believe when you are on vacation one should enjoy themselves: enjoy the culture. And a lot of that has to do with the food and alcoholic beverages. One good thing about Europe is there is a lot of walking.
But my vacation is over. And it is time to get back on track and that started today.
I woke up nice and early–gotta love that jet lag. I went to yoga and ran a couple of errands. (I took today off from work–will go back tomorrow.)
I also have started eating much better. I soy latte and oatmeal for breakfast; Brussels sprouts and brown rice for lunch. Not sure what’s for dinner yet.
I plan to weigh-in tomorrow and see what kind of damage I did. Though I am not too worried. Whatever … I am now back on track and that is all that matters.