Wheel of Yoga

My new Wheel of Yoga DVD.

I skipped my Sunday Vinyasa Yoga class today to have brunch with Curt and some friends. We had a good time and delicious food.
Since I didn’t go to yoga today I wanted to do something that counted toward exercise. I would have probably skipped entirely, but I didn’t exercise on Tuesday because of a work dinner.
I recently purchased the Wheel of Yoga DVD, which I saw at the yoga studio.

Ann in modified Warrior I (also called Crescent Lunge).

It is about a 45 minute workout before you go on a ride and about 15 minute stretching after your ride. I did both parts of the DVD. It wasn’t vigorous, but it was good.
I understand the importance of stretching before and after exercise. But most people don’t have time to exercise for that long. I usually exercise for two hours on Saturdays and an hour and a half on Sundays. But during the week I usually have about an hour to get my exercise in.
I was reading the back of the DVD and saw that one of my yoga teachers wrote a review on the DVD. I like Baxter and trust him.
I don’t work out at home very often. But when I do a I like to have some options. I have a few DVDs, my mini stair stepper and Exercise TV.