Comment Contest Tuesday

Ann rockin' out to some tuneage.

Yesterday on the shuttle ride home I popped in my earbuds and listened to some upbeat tunes while doing a little work as I was driven back to Emeryville from South San Francisco.
Once the shuttle arrived at our destination, one of my co-workers who was sitting behind me asked if I was rockin’ to Eye of the Tiger. I laughed and said yes.
I love that song for a variety of reasons: it has a great beat; it was a featured song in my favorite Rocky movie; it’s a motivating song; and a great workout tune.
There are songs on my iPod that I would say I am slightly embarrassed by or would rather others not know they are even on my song list. My excuse for these embarrassing songs/lame music is … they are great songs to exercise to. Who can argue with that?
Britney has a great and strong beat for just about any workout. Enrique Iglesias has some lame lyrics, but the music rocks. Apparently I like Pitbull as well, as he is featured in some of my embarrassing music selections. J.Lo, or is it just Jennifer Lopez these days, has made it to my song list.
Most genres of music are on my iPod. I like a variety of music: dance; Top 40; adult contemporary; alternative rock; alternative; a few country songs (though I am not a huge country fan); some old metal; some hip hop. I could probably add some more. But you get the gist of it.
So now I get to the part where you participate … tell me what embarrassing songs are on your play list(s). 
For this Comment Contest Tuesday there is no limit. Each comment/reply counts twice. But make sure each song or artist goes into its own comment/reply. If you list 10 songs or artists in one comment, your name will only go in the hat twice. So you gotta comment over and over again to make it really count. Does that make sense?
To participate in Comment Contest Tuesday you must submit your answers in the comments below. The comment has to be relevant to what I am asking. You have until Tuesday, June 21 at noon (my time) to comment away. You have to comment in the comments on Go Fit Girl! I won’t accept e-mails, comments on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Winner and prize will be announced in two weeks. That means you have TWO WHOLE WEEKS to come up with song after song or artist after artist.
And maybe you hadn’t thought of this excuse for your unmentionable songs. Feel free to use that excuse from now on.
Any questions? Just ask me. And have fun!