Unlimited yoga is amazing

Ann in Child's Pose.

UPDATED: Go Fit Girl’s IT online boy has fixed the issues. Photos and tags are working again. Woot-woot!
This post was originally written on Thursday night. But I am having some issues. Until my IT/blog maintenance guy (aka The Husband) helps me figure it out I won’t be able to add photos or tags. I have no idea why this is happening. It will get fixed soon and everything will go back to normal. (FYI: I have done some form of exercise for the past 19 days. Woot-woot for me!)
My original exercise plan today was to go to the work gym at about 3:30 or so and spin for an hour.
I was pretty tired today and wasn’t super busy. So the plan was to hit the gym at 2:30 and take the 4:15 shuttle back to the East Bay.
IT was working with me on my computer. It ran long and once we were done it was 3 and I was kinda exhausted by the task.
So I decided to still take the 4:15 shuttle and hit the yoga studio, especially since I just signed up for a membership, which entitles me to unlimited classes.
The class had a sub and she was really great. I can still feel my hips after some openers. It was a little warm in the classroom so I got sweaty. It ended up being a really great workout and practice. The class was small so the instructor had a lot of time to make adjustments, which I absolutely LOVE.