Yoga produces sweat and tears

My muse for my post tonight. I love you, Joey, my old man furbaby.

Tonight I attended Forrest Yoga. It was the last class being taught by Kristen. She is opening her own yoga studio and will be concentrating on opening that in the next two months or so.
Forrest Yoga is an amazing and intense experience. Some of it I really enjoy. Some of it I could pass on. With any yoga class, but for me especially with Forrest Yoga it can be an emotional experience. I think as you are learning about your body while doing some intense stuff and releasing toxins while dripping sweat can all add to that experience.
Today was a slightly tough day for me. Work was fine. I actually got more completed than I thought I would, which happens a lot when I work from home. And I am actually a little excited about one of the many projects I am working on right now.
Joey, my 17-year-old man furbaby, had an appointment at the vet this morning. Joey needs a check up every six months because he is an old man. He gets his geriatric profile and diabetic testing.
Joey hates getting into his carrier. And I had to do it by myself this morning. It was a struggle getting him into the box. Once in the exam room while we were waiting for Dr. Miller Joey seemed more anxious than normal as he was whining and crying way more than usual. The barking dog outside our room probably contributed to both our angst. Joey wasn’t too excited to be examined by the vet. Once Dr. Miller was listening to Joey with the stethoscope Joey was getting pissy. As Dr. Miller started to feel Joey and check on his newly made bald spots on his body (apparently old man cats pull out their hair) Joey started growling and hissing. I got a little nervous as I did not want to get bit by my super unhappy probably angry cat.
Once we got home I was covered in cat hair, exhausted and out some money as well. So yoga class tonight was so great for me: healing and emotional. Emotional as I come to realize that my old man furbaby is 17 and starting to really show his age. He is still pretty feisty and spry for his age. I have had him almost half my life. I have never had a pet for so long. And not that I didn’t love the dogs we had as a kid or the fish (yea, I know). But Joey has been mine for 17ish years. And I love him so much.