Good food, booze, networking … no gym time

That's as far as my gym clothes left the suitcase while at the hotel.

I was in LA for the past few days for a trademark conference. I left on Saturday and came back today.
I had some stuff going on Saturday morning and wasn’t able to hit spin or yoga studio. And I had every intention to visit the hotel gym at least a couple of times. The gym appeared pretty amazing and there were a lot of classes offered.
Well, I never took advantage. I was pretty much just lazy in the mornings. (Since I didn’t workout or really eat anything remotely healthy–well, there was the Starbucks oatmeal in the mornings–I didn’t feel there was much to blog about.)
So no gym time … and there was lots of good food eaten and many, many drinks consumed.
There were so many functions that revolved around food and booze.
Work is gonna be a little nuts for the next couple of days. And then there is the upcoming birthday weekend. I am just gonna enjoy my food and booze for the next few days and get myself back on track next week … I hope.