And Feet Week concludes …

Photo from The Art and Science of Kinesiology X-Ray of foot in high heeled shoe! - Beyond every postural deviation/compensation that must happen above, just look at the physical stress that is placed on the metatarsophalangeal joints.
Well, I think Feet Week has been pretty successful and educational.
I did some research and learned lots of stuff.
And I learned from my readers as well with comments on Go Fit Girl!, Go Fit Girl’s Facebook page and even my personal Facebook page.
Thanks to everyone who participated in Comment Contest Tuesday. A winner will be announced soon.
As I have said I love pretty shoes and shoes can really make or break an outfit. Apparently they can literally break your foot or cause other damage.
And from the photo at the right, provided by The Art and Science of Kinesiology, you can see what some of us will do to ourselves in the name of fashion.
Tonight I am having dinner with friends. I am driving to their house and then we are walking to the restaurant. So I am wearing my Mary Jane Skechers. They are comfy, great for walking and look fairly cute. These Mary Janes are close to the ones I have.
Weekends usually mean comfy shoes for me. And especially if some walking is going to be involved. Though last night I wore heels when meeting girlfriends for dinner. But my walk was fairly short and believe it or not but my spike heels are actually pretty easy to walk in and not that uncomfortable.