You had me at bolster

My regular props for most of my yoga classes are a blanket, strap and block.
(Bolster photo provided by Yoga Bolsters.)
The blanket is great for sitting on to give yourself a little boost. It is also good to use under your knees when doing poses where your knees might be sensitive.
The strap is good for arm stretches where you need a little extra help or your arms don’t quite reach.
There is one arm stretch where one side my arms meet, the other side they don’t.
The block is great for one of my favorite poses, supported bridge. It’s also good for a lot of standing poses, such as triangle, half moon, side angle and so many more.
When I walked into Vinyasa class today, Ashley asked us to get a blanket, block and bolster. In her class we get moving, breathing hard and sweaty. Near the end of class we usually do a restorative pose.
Today we did a meditative practice at the end of class. It was a nice change. I sat up on my bolster, which I don’t usually do.
I also attended the Restorative class tonight. It is such a yummy and great class. I feel so good during and after. And I look forward to going. I can’t always go. But lately I have been trying to go more often.
Oh, and by the way, I was up at 5 a.m. today. Stupid DST! I didn’t take a nap yesterday, I went to bed later than normal and I still woke up early. No nap today. So I am hoping for decent sleep tonight. I think the Restorative class may help me with my sleep tonight, I hope.
Oh, and one more thing … we have a Comment Contest Tuesday winner. Sorry it takes me so long to announce. I get lazy when it comes to doing the actual drawing.
Congrats, Stephanie! You are the winner of the drawing! Thanks to everyone who comments. Your support means so much to me.