Is yoga possible while 30,000 feet in the air?

The neck pillow takes up a lot of room. But in the end it is worth it as I have multiple purposes for it–neck pillow and lumbar pillow.

I flew out to Charlotte on Friday.
I can experience lower back pain, especially when sitting or standing for a long period of time. So sitting on a plane is not always pleasant for me.
Almost immediately into my roughly 5-hour flight to the East Coast my lower back started to ache.
Once I was no longer sleeping I used my neck pillow as lumbar support and that seemed to help ease the discomfort.
I was kicking myself (well, not literally, because really I could only kick the seat in front of me and that person would not be happy) for not reading Baxter’s post on chair yoga, which he wrote for the Yoga for Healthy Aging blog.
I have now reviewed the post and think some of the poses are going to be more difficult in a small, cramped coach seat on a plane.
But I think some are definitely possible. Such as Chair Cat; Chair Twist; Supported Forward Bend. Chair Seated Forward Bend/Hip Opener and Chair Backbend might be doable, but just a little more difficult as the yogi would need a little more space, especially in the seated forward bend.
I fly back tomorrow morning. And I plan to practice some of the chair poses and my back starts to ache again.