Challenge yourself

Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

plank at work

Kids, remember that stupid planking fad? Well, this is what real planking is all about. No excuses. I am planking at work while in a skirt and heels.

I stole that quote from my friend Nicole’s Facebook status. She was quoting her kid’s basketball coach. She said it was inspiring for her yoga practice.
Lately I have tried to be more open minded with myself when it comes to exercise. There are yoga poses I know I can’t do–like handstand or headstand. (A bum shoulder keeps me from attempting the full pose.) But I can work toward them. There are other poses I don’t think I can do but instead of just saying to myself, no way, I now will at least try.
Same thing with planks. We do them in yoga and body conditioning and abs classes. Whenever it is announced that we are going to do a 1-minute plank I complain and convince myself that I can’t do it.
In my Friday morning body conditioning class (which is actually called Muscle Blast) the instructor recently had us hold a 1-minute plank. I, of course, announced to him that there was no way I could do that. He, of course, told me I could. We got into position and I asked him to tell us a story. Instead he talked to me the whole time and I did it. I held a 1-minute plank.
Last month’s Go Fit Girl! Monthly Challenge was focused on push-ups. Push-ups are pretty difficult for me. I worked on push-ups but really focused on planks. I got up to an 80-second plank.
As I have stated before my company has a Wellness Program. We have a variety of challenges, which change out every two months. I am participating in a team event to reach 5,000 “push-ups.” We have hit 5K and are close to 10K and have changed our personal team goal to 15K.
I am also participating in another group challenge (no points involved, just pride) to work up to a 4-minute plank.
And you can imagine I am doubting if that is even possible.
We meet for about 5 minutes in the afternoons and just hunker down on the floor in an open area at the office and do our planks together. Sometimes I have a meeting or call and can’t join the group so I do my plank on my own in my cube area.
The group started off with a 1-minute plank and we have worked our way up to 2 minutes.
And this is coming from the girl who couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do a 1-minute plank.
And maybe I can’t do a 4-minute plank. But I can at least work toward it. And I may surprise myself with what I CAN DO!