No excuses
Monday was my day to get back on the healthy living wagon.
No excuses.
The cafe at work always has healthy options for breakfast and lunch.
(Curt and I were out of town over the weekend so I didn’t have a chance to get to the grocery store.)
Having the work cafe means I have lots of good options to choose from as well as deliciously bad ones, which I successfully avoided.
I have packed my gym bag every day and kept it in my trunk. This means if I get back too late to take a regular class whether at the gym or yoga studio I have exercise clothes with me and I can do a workout on my own at the gym.
(I would rather take a class, but that doesn’t always work out.)
Even on a hectic and stressful day like today I kept pretty good with my food intake. I did have an excuse for not exercising: I worked a 12-hour day and didn’t get home (after more than an hour commute) until 9 p.m.
And I will hit yoga tomorrow.
I really wanted a drink when I got home tonight. But I decided to keep my alcohol-free workweek going until tomorrow night.
I am proud of myself for maintaining my healthy routine this week. Because I could have easily ditched it.