Keeping the calm this December

santa hat

I knitted Santa hat ornaments last year. Mine is hanging on my tree.

Almost every December I sign myself up for too much and get completely overwhelmed.
I have decided to cut back on a few things this year.
Between a crazy time at work and school and the usual December craziness I had to make some decisions for me.
I love sending out holiday cards. So that is still happening. (In fact, I got most of them labeled, stamped and stuffed over Thanksgiving weekend.)
We pretty much stopped doing Christmas gifts a few years ago. (We do charity gifts instead.) But I like to send cards to the kids in our lives and let them know what charity we chose. I decided for my own sanity to not do cards this year.
I usually make some sort of tiny gift to include with cards to family and co-workers. Like last year’s knitted Santa hat (pictured to the left). Nope, not doing anything like that this year either.
My good friend Monica has a cocktail competition party every year around Christmastime. I will brag and tell you all that I won in 2010 and tied in 2011. Damn that Alexi and her 2012 win! 🙂
This year I decided not to participate. Not because I am scared of Alexi, no way! But because I had teacher training class all day Saturday and I would have had to take my drink and supplies over earlier or be stressed with showing up late. I decided for this year to just enjoy all the other drinks and vote.
We aren’t traveling this year for Christmas. So that automatically reduces a huge amount of stress. Travel especially around the holidays is pretty stressful, then mix in family …
Part of my 5 for 5 is that I am trying to go to Sunday night Restorative yoga class every Sunday I am in town this month. (I will likely miss one.) So far I have attended the past two classes. I am also getting in as much yoga as I can–whether taking public classes or enhancing my home practice. And I am being OK with not practicing, too.
I am also trying to take time to just sit and do nothing, even if just for five minutes. That’s one tougher. I want to grab my phone or laptop or even the book I am reading right now.
What are you all doing to take care of yourself this month? Don’t forget that this is part of the Comment Contest Tuesday and you still have a week to participate.