Home Restorative practice


A Mickey Mouse blanket rolled up worked pretty well as a bolster for our Restorative practice.

Last weekend I was visiting my family in Tucson, my beloved hometown.
While visiting, my mom and I were able to practice yoga together three mornings. (She was very excited to get three private sessions with me.)
I wrote a practice specific to her requests, a second one we did I had written about before and love and the third practice, my mom wanted to do some Restorative poses.
We were limited on time and props for our Restorative practice. So I made do with what we had and we did three relaxing poses.
(In most Restorative classes, which run for 90 minutes, you only do 4-5 poses.)
Here’s the practice we did, with props we could use that should be in most people’s homes.

  • Supine supported Baddha Konasana (Lying down Cobbler’s Pose). We used couch pillows under our knees and a towel folded under our head for supported cushion.
  • Supported twist (both sides). Roll up a blanket as bolster, sit with your hip next to the bolster and your knees sideways, place a pillow between your knees if you desire. Slowly lower down to the bolster with belly and chest facing bolster. Turn your head to the same side as your knees. Do other side.
  • Supported Child’s Pose. Use blanket bolster, you may want some lift on the end of your bolster if it is too low. (You can use a yoga block or a book or even a pillow. Or you can use another blanket or towel.)
The longer you can hold a Restorative pose the better. I try to hold my Restorative poses anywhere from 10-20 minutes.
When practicing Restorative Yoga poses you should be comfortable and supported. You should be warm and the room should be dark (think eye pillow).