Seeing results with healthy choices

thanksgiving meal

My plate of food on Thanksgiving. I love my dad’s stuffing recipe so I decided to have more stuffing and a smaller roll.

I know that there are so many things challenging about the holidays. There is stress, overeating, over drinking … etc.
But we can overcome a lot of that and stay on a healthy track.
When I quit my job a little more than two months ago I thought the weight would fall off and I would easily fall back to my goal weight rather quickly.
Well, that didn’t happen and then I went on vacation.
Once back from vacation I got back on the healthy eating and regular exercise routine with indoor cycling and yoga (both public classes and my own home practice). I was also able to control my stress levels much more at that point.
I have been at it for about six weeks and am pleased with my results.
Yes, it can be difficult to maintain healthy living during the holidays. But it is possible.
When I first started on my weight loss track eight years ago I lost weight over Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So far this year I lost weight over Thanksgiving. I made sure to get my exercise in last week while still enjoying food and wine, all in moderation.
I stuck to my plan of exercise and moderate eating and drinking and I saw results. It doesn’t always happen. And all we can do is our best.
Healthy choices … one day at a time.
The month of December is much more challenging as we celebrate all month long with various parties.
And this week I am continuing with healthy eating, exercise and my first holiday party on Saturday. Yesterday I had a lunch date with friends and a dinner date with The Husband in the City and I made healthy choices.
I had a glass of wine at lunch and we ended up at sushi. So I went for the nigiri, which is a really easy and healthy way to go.
At dinner I just had one glass of wine (I usually like two) and had fish for dinner. I didn’t order dessert and instead shared a small serving of cheese with Curt and had some tea.
I am determined to get back to my goal weight before my life turns into complete chaos next month when I completely pack my life up and move to another state. That’s stressful and there tends to be unhealthy eating and a lack of exercise in that timeframe. But I don’t foresee it lasting long.