Thanks, Piedmont and farewell

photo by sarah jenness piedmont yoga studio

 Studio 2 at Piedmont Yoga Studio. Photo by Sarah Jenness.

There are so many great things about taking yoga classes, especially at a studio. Establishing a yoga community is such an important part of the practice.
While in Oakland I regularly took classes from two yoga studios.
Piedmont Yoga Studio is where I did my yoga teacher training and also took classes from teachers who were also teaching me how to be a yoga teacher.
On Saturday Piedmont Yoga Studio will close its physical doors.
In 1987 Piedmont Yoga Studio was founded by Rodney Yee, Richard Rosen and Claire Finn.
Until recently I regularly took classes from Richard. In November I took a master yoga class with Rodney Yee and his wife Colleen Saidman when they were in town. And earlier this month I took a class with Claire Finn. I told her after class that I had to make sure I took yoga classes with all three of the original Piedmont founders.
Piedmont will become “a studio beyond walls that is open and accessible to all.” You can read more about that here.
Even though I was only part of the Piedmont community for a little more than a year I have an attachment to it, what it represents and the people I met and the friends I made.
I decided to do my teacher training at Piedmont for a variety for reasons. Because of the history and reputation of the studio I wanted to study there. Two of my regular yoga teachers studied there years ago and taught at Piedmont and at the other studio where I regularly practiced. One of the three founders, Richard Rosen, still taught at Piedmont and was part of the teacher training.
I had no idea how difficult and amazing the program would be. I learned so much about my practice and myself over the 10-month program. And I continue to grow as a yoga practitioner, yoga teacher and a human being.
My experience helped me realize it was time to leave my corporate job and pursue other things.
I am so grateful for the chance to teach at a gym in Alameda for an extended period of time while the regular teacher was on maternity leave. And I also decided to get my SPINNING® certification and was able to teach five indoor cycling classes at my gym before the move.
And here I am sitting in my living room in Portland, Oregon …