And GFG! is back

GFG is back!

GFG! is back to blogging.

I’m baaaack!
Years ago Curt and I were in the Philly area visiting his brother and family along with Curt’s parents and grandma. Some of the family went on a canoe outing. Our nephew James was about 4 at the time. As we got closer to the canoe spot James started to recognize it as he had been there with his dad before. We walked into the place to rent our canoes and James slams the screen door open and says, I’m baaaack!
And so is GFG!
What a whirlwind the move has been. All went well. Movers packed the truck up in three hours and were gone sooner than I had planned. Curt and I took off soon after the truck left and got a few hours on the road.
The following day, which was a Friday, we made the rest of trek to Portland.
For a few days it was like we were on a mini vacation.
The movers arrived last Tuesday. They unloaded our stuff in about three hours. Right after they left the unpacking frenzy began.
Except for pictures hanging on the walls and the books on the bookshelf we are pretty much moved in.
I love our new place. It’s so roomy and new with lots of storage space.
Late last week I started looking at gyms/recreational centers in the area and started applying for yoga and cycling gigs. The online applications are quite time consuming so I am trying to apply to one place each day.
I’ve decided to become a member of LA Fitness. They have lots of yoga and cycling classes and are close to our place and are reasonably priced.  I will head over there to sign up in the next day or two. And hopefully I can start subbing classes soon.
I have also been scoping about yoga studios in my area. There are a few I may see if I can get on the sub list. Though it’s harder to get on at a studio as a new teacher. Usually you gotta pay your dues and start teaching at a gym first. But no reason I can’t at least contact them and maybe take classes there as well.
I plan to head to one of the yoga studios this week and get in on their great new student intro membership.
I’m looking forward to developing a healthy routine again.