Getting back to the yoga teaching

restorative props

Planning a well-rounded Restorative Yoga sequence with limited props can be challenging but possible.

For the past week and a half or so I have been making contacts at gyms and yoga studios.
I joined LA Fitness and have chatted it up with a couple of cycle teachers and a yoga teacher. I have been applying at gyms in the area where an application is accessible. I have found smaller gyms and studios near me and contacted them.
Surprisingly I have had a good response.
So I have some possibilities coming up for my teaching. I am just trying to be patient.
At the town house community Curt and I live in there is a fitness center. Three times a week there are free yoga classes for residents.
I went to one of the free classes on Thursday night. It was pretty good.
After class was over I introduced myself to the teacher and asked if she taught all three classes. She told me that she does.
I told her about my trainings. I also told her that if she ever needs a sub I can sub for her.
Sunday nights are Restorative Yoga. I told her I did a separate 20-hour teacher training specifically for Restorative Yoga.
She didn’t teach last night because she had Super Bowl plans.
So guess who taught the class last night?
I wasn’t sure if anyone would show up because of that football game.
But I had one student show up.
My challenge was that I had to bring my own props. I have two bolsters, a travel bolster, two blocks, some blankets and a few eye pillows.
My other challenge was that I had to plan a sequence with limited props.
I planned my sequence with the idea that each student would maybe have one bolster and one blanket. There are ways to make a homemade bolster and I was prepared to do that if need be.
Because there was only one student she was able to take advantage and use many blankets.
Once class was over my student told me she felt relaxed.
Great, that was my intention.