Just what I needed

I made sure that I got out of work on time today to make my evening yoga class. (I actually got out of work on time three nights this week to make sure I made it to the gym–work/life balance. I am now 3 & 2: 3 yoga & 2 spin.)
Ken was subbing. He is a really good teacher and I enjoy his classes. He is a little tough. But I made sure not to push myself too hard today. At the beginning of class he offered meditation on your sit bones or lying down. I took it lying down–wonderful!
When the class was over I felt so good. I even went up to Ken and let him know that after a hard, tough, long week his class was just what I needed.
That and a glass of wine–which I am drinking now. Monica invited us out tonight to a cool little place. Curt already had plans and I wasn’t sure. I just decided to come home and have some quiet Ann time and be mellow. I really needed that after this work week.