Something missing from your gym bag?

Every so often I forget to throw something in my gym bag. Usually nothing major. A towel on spin day. I can’t ride in class without a towel. So then I throw down a buck and “rent” a scratchy towel from the gym.
I think I forgot socks once or twice.
One time a work shirt. I had to come home. I didn’t feel right wearing my Curious George shirt, which I had worn to yoga one morning, to work even if it was Friday. So that day I had to drive home and grab my respectable work shirt. No biggie since I don’t live to far from work or the gym.
A time or two I have forgotten a real bra and had to wear my sports bra. Another lucky moment or two when I was wearing a bulky shirt or sweater to work–so it wasn’t noticeable.
This morning I put on my top to wear to work and realized I should have packed a black camisole tank top, too. Crap! The shirt was way too low to wear to work and not seem kinda slutty. But I lucked out–my sports bra was black. So I was able to wear my bra and then the sports bra as a tank top.
Have you ever forgotten something that made it impossible to work out or head to work after the gym? Did you find a creative way to compromise? Or did you just not work out or just call in sick?
I want to hear your stories.