Really needing some motivation

Getting some much needed motivation from Josh, the espinner dude.

Yesterday I broke my exercise streak. The horrendous commute home got me to my house a little after 6. My Wednesday night Hatha class with Baxter starts at 6.
I could have gone to the 7:30 class. But I wasn’t in the mood. Plus, I had to make and eat dinner and do all the things that needed to be done for the evening–shower, get gym bag together, get clothes ready for work. (I didn’t blog last night–so I didn’t need to do that.)
Yesterday a co-worker and I went to a taqueria for lunch. I had my leftovers for dinner plus two regular beers. So yesterday was anything but healthy.
Today at work, the cafe was serving chile relleno. Oh man. I had to have it for lunch. It was good. (Not as good as the one my aunt makes, which my nana used to make as well.)
I really had to motivate myself to hit the gym today. I wasn’t feeling it. I really needed some motivation. But I knew I had to work off some of that food and lack of exercise yesterday.

The results of my hard work.

So I did an hour on the spin bike at the work gym. I went with the most hard core workout on the bike: Race Day for 60 minutes. And I worked hard and sweated and felt a tiny bit better about my recent caloric intake.