Coping with the loss of my Joey

My last photo of Joey from this morning.

Today Curt and I lost our furbaby, Joey. Joey was born around April 15, 1994. He came into my life on June 2, 1994 and he went to kitty heaven today, Dec. 4, 2011.
For most of Joey’s life he was a healthy cat. I feel lucky for that. A little more than a year ago Joey became diabetic–his first major illness. About a year later the diabetes reversed and Joey was in renal failure. That was hard on Joey and the illness kicked in quickly.
I got Joey when I was 19. I have had him for almost half my life. I feel lucky to have had him for so long. And I am so sad that he is gone. Curt and I knew yesterday that it was time–he wasn’t eating; he was losing control; he was having trouble walking; he just wasn’t himself; we couldn’t leave him alone.
I know that I need to mourn my little hairy family member. And I will take as long as I need. I know it will take time. Joey was the longest male relationship I ever had–17 12 years is a long time. 🙂 I will be sad. But also happy for all the great years Joey was in my life. He was an amazing cat and I will miss him terribly.
I did a little reading on on how to cope with the loss of a pet. I think these 10 tips on coping are spot on.
Thanks to everyone for the support, kind words, well-wishes and love to my Joey and his mama.