Walking Wednesdays

walking wednesday

Co-workers/friends show off our shoes before taking on Walking Wednesday.

When the weather is nice in South San Francisco (and that can be iffy) there is a small but mighty group who walks together on Wednesdays.
The regulars come and go and come and go and new people trickle in.
I am not a huge walker and personally would rather not walk.
But if it is with a group of people it makes me much more motivated. (And with our wellness program you can earn points, which eventually earns you prizes.)
I can’t walk every Wednesday as on alternate Wednesdays I have Toastmasters. But when I can I join.
There are so many great reasons to be part of this group: meet new people; meet up with co-workers/friends you don’t see as often; get away from your desk (I rarely take a lunch break and usually eat at my desk while working); fresh air; and, of course, exercise.
According to this Mayo Clinic article, walking helps you maintain a healthy weight; prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes; strengthen your bones; lifts your mood; and improves your balance and coordination.
The Mayo Clinic article has some great tips. I recommend you read it.
According to this Livestrong article, a regular walking routine lowers your blood pressure, prevents cardiovascular disease and helps you maintain weight loss after dieting.
And just about anyone can walk. You don’t need fancy equipment. Just the outdoors or a treadmill.
Good shoes are a good idea. And it is really best to get fitted for the right kind of shoes. In the end it is worth it. I just recently got fitted for a new pair of Asics. Probably the last three or four pairs of shoes I have had have been Asics.
And a good pair of socks make a world of difference. My absolute favorite socks right now by Balega. But I am also a fan of those made by Wigwam.
Get out there and start walking …